Samuel Beckett: Lectures & Resources

Images of Samuel Beckett (1906-1989)



Beckett the Writer

Beckett the Irishman

Beckett the Visionary


Short Chronology

Sample Texts


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Modern Irish Writers: General Index

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Modern Irish Literature: An Overview
[Introductory Lecture to “Major Irish Authors”]


Quotations from Beckett: Extensive quotations from the texts are given under the several headings of the index that follows. The quotations given here are those which were used in the lecture-room (aula) and those which will form the basis of the close discussion of text in work-group sessions afterwards. They are placed here as a teaching aid not as a substitute for reading the published works. Further information and Samuel Beckett, including biography, criticism commentary and quotations, can be found in the “A-Z Datasets” of RICORSO online > under “B” for Beckett.

Short Fiction Early Plays The Fiction Trilogy Criticism & Remarks

Molloy (1950; English trans. 1953)

Not I Footfalls That Time


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