Alexander Knox, The Irish Watering Places, Their Climate, Scenery, and Accommodations (Dublin: Wm. Curry/Longman 1845), 336pp.

Alexander Knox, MD [Ballycastle dispensary], The Irish Watering Places, Their Climate, Scenery, and Accommodations, including analyses of the principal mineral springs by Dr R Kane, [&c] (William Curry Jnr/Longman 1845), p.336 with index of places, and list of subscribers [incl. Kane, Cairns, Bewley, Blennerhasset, Boyds, Corry, Dillon, Dill, Ferguson, Hinck, Mussenden, Macartney, Mulholland, M’Clintock, Pentland, La Touche, Vesey, et al.

Pt. I: 5 chaps. treating of soft and hard, rain, spring, and marsch, artesian wells, champooing, sea-bathing, hydropathy, classifications, diet, affections [stomachic, nervous, et.] Irish chalybeates, Irish scenery, attractions; Pt. II, 9 chaps, dealinG with places East of Ireland; south; south; midland counties; north-east; north-west; west of Ireland; on food and clothing of invalids, etc. To the Reader: whilst omitting nothing of importance to the physician … [added] information on the accomodation for visitors and modes and expense of travelling [2] … the employment of the water as a therapeutic agent … The profession reader will find that the consideration of Nervous, Dyspetic, and other diseases waffted by mineral waters, in which may be included Gout, Rheumatism, Consumption, and other chronic pulmonary ailments, has not been overlooked.’ [3]

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