Liam Kennedy, Colonialism, Religion and Nationalism in Ireland (QUB 1996), 231pp. [0 85389 621 6].

CONTENTS: The Long Retreat : Protestants, Economy and Society 1600-1926 [1] The Union of Ireland and Britain, 1801-1921 [[35]; The Economioc Though of the Nation’s Lost Leader: Charles Stewart Parnell [75]; The Roman Catholic church and Economic growth in 19th c Ireland [103]; The Early Response of th eirish Catholic Church to the Co-operative Movement [171]; Farmers, Traders and Agricultural Politics in Pre-Independence Ireland [135]; Modern Ireland: Post-Colonial Socierty or Post-Colonial Pretensions? [167]; Out of History: Ireland, that “Most Distressful country” [182]. Niced. [225]

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