Frank Callanan, T. M. Healy (Cork UP 1966), 754pp.

Quotes: ‘If men allow themselves to be evicted out of their property by means of bad seaqsons, I say by reason of the circumstances over which they have no control - if they allow themselves to be hunted out like vermin and like rats and dogs, then they deserve the fate of rats and dogs (applause). But if they stand up and resist, then what will happen to them is what has always happened in Ireland, the law will be changed to suit them (applause) … the whole history of this country is and of its success is the history of defiance in the law (applause). Here p.177. Callanan notes that ‘Healy’s laxly opportunistic stance on the Plan of Campaign was to serve him well. His rhetoric in defence of the Plan, and his appearances as counsel on behalf of Dillon and O’Brien in the prosceutions which ensued, were coupled with a careful avoidance of involvement in its direction. [177]

Epigraph quotes Joyce: ‘but hunt me the journeyon, iteritinerant, the kal his course, amid the seminary of Somnionia. Even unto Heliotropolis, the castellated, the enchanting. (FW.)

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Elsewhere: ‘Healy cunningly devised his rhetoric to cheat Parnell even of the sympathy which heroic adversity might attract. In particular, he sought to deprive him of the romantic allure of the embattled lover. He charged that Parnell’s relations with Katharine O’Shea were actuated by a combination of lust and venality. Parnell’s purpose was to marry a woman who stood to inherit a substantial forune from her aunt. Rather than the romantic paramour, Parnell was the grasping aristocrat …’ […] Hecked in Derry .. Healy vituperated: “I will tell you the price of him - the fortune of Mrs O’Shea. They hear great talk about place-hunting, and great talk about selling their country, but the baseest of all sales and barater was to sell the fortune, the faith and the rights of your country for the enjoyment of a loose woman.’ [315]

Cites John Dillon Papers, TCD.

Harold Frederic, as “X”, author of “Ireland of Today”, “Ireland of Tomorrow” and “Rhetoricians of Ireland”, Fortnightly, 1891; considered a conduit of Healy’s views and preference for Catholic ascendency over Home Rule. {Callanan, 694, notes.)

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Kevin O’Higgins wrote to Lady Lavery on 27 Oct. 1922, regarding the appt. of Healy to the Governorship and with clear political intent: ‘[…] You cannot measure the effect it would have here if they agreed to appoint me. It would be worth more than a completely smashing military victory. If they are statesmen they will do it - if they are merely politicians they probably won’t, and a wonderful opportunity will have been lost.’ The letter was passed in time to the Colonial Sec., Duke of Devonshire. [597].

Healy regarded the civil war as a fair price to pay for the exclusion of de Valera, whom he thought solely responsible for it, ‘a conscious humbug’ and ‘the most disasterous person to who has ever meddled in Irish affairs.’ [Callanan, p.610.]

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