United Ireland

1881-1898; organ of Land League; fnd. Parnell, from offices of The Flag of Ireland, ed., Richard Pigott; ed. by William O’Brien to 1890; publ. by Ladies Land League during imprisonment of O’Brien, Oct. 1881; publ. Harrington’s Plan of Campaign, 23 Oct. 1886; defended John Dillon against Bishop Edward O’Dwyer of Limerick over Boycott tactics, Aug. 1890; control reseized by Parnell when Matthew Bodkin, deputy to O’Brien, criticised his leadership in the Split, 6 Dec. 1890; Bodkin produced Suppressed United Ireland, later The Insuppressible, to 24 Jan. 1891. Also a Cumann nGaedheal paper in the 1930s.

Seamus Deane, gen. ed., The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing (Derry: Field Day Co. 1991), Vol. 3: William O’Brien, author of the No Rent Manifesto, became ed. of United Ireland [sic] in 1881 [420n].