Wogan [family name]

  • (Sir) Charles Wogan (?1698-?1752).
  • Edward Wogan (d.1654), royalist; deserted parliamentarian service, 1648; joined Ormonde in Ireland; held Dungannon against Ireton, 1649; captured in Cork; escaped 1650; fought at Worcester, 1651’ escaped to France; landed with companies at dover, 1653; d. from wounds in skirish.
  • Sir John Wogan (d.?1321), justice itinerant of four northern counties of England, 1292; travelled to Ireland a chief-justice, 1295; led English settlers to aid Edward I in Scotland, 1296-98; again in Scotland, 1200-02; suppressed Knight Templars in Ireland, 1308; recalled, 1308; reappointed, 1309; defeated by rebels who afterwards surrendered, 1309.
  • Nicholas Wogan, br. Sir Charles Wogan [supra]; became French subject, 1723; with Charles Edward in Scotland, 1745-46; found guilty of complicity but pardoned; Chevalier de St. Louis, 1754.
  • [Thomas Wogan, regicide, d.1666].
  • William Wogan (1678-1758), ed. Westminster Sch., and Trinity Coll., Cambridge; sec. to Duke of Ormonde while Viceroy, 1710; entered army and stationed in Dublin; issued Essay on the Proper Lessons of the Church of England (1753), and other works.
Source: Dictionary of National Biography [i.e., Shorter ODNB]

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