David Rice

Dominican priest; left order and married; ed. Rome; fnd. and ed. Spotlight, 1963-68; Head of Rathmines Journalism School since 1980; presented programme Priests of Passion (C4); issued Shattered Vows (Blackstaff 1990), a study of priests who have repudiated celibacy and the priesthood; Blood Guilt [1994] follows life of Conor Emmet, Republican after his gunman days are over; present in Beijing [Peking] during Tianenmen Square events; issued Dragon’s Brood (1992), based on interviews after the massacre.

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Shattered vows: exodus from the priesthood (Belfast: Blackstaff Press 1991), 288pp.; Dragon’s Brood: conversations with young Chinese (London: Harper Collins 1992), 304pp., 8 ills.; Blood Guilt (Belfast: Blackstaff Press 1994), 253pp.

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[q.a.], interviews, Books Ireland, Feb. 1995 & Summer 1999.

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