Robert Wyse Jackson

1908-1976; ed. Waterford, TCD; Anglican curate in Manchester, 1934-39; Limerick rector 1939-46; Dean of Cashel 1946-60; Bishop of Limerick and Aghadoe, 1961-70; issued Jonathan Swift: Dean and Pastor (London: SPCK; NY: Macmillan 1939), x, 185pp. and other works on incl. Swift and His Circle (1945); Oliver Goldsmith: Essays Towards an Interpretation (1954); The Best of Swift (1967); Irish Silver (1972); The Story of Limerick (1973); The Story of Kilkenny (1974); Archbishio Magrath, the Scoundrel of Cashel (1974); a play, Fair Liberty was all His Cry; novels, Spanish Man Hunt and The Journal of Corinna Brown. [No listing IF2].


Belfast Public Library holds Jonathan Swift (1939); Oliver Goldsmith (1951); Swift and his Circle (1945).

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