D. R. McAnally

[?-?]; author of Irish Wonders (Boston 1888), a work criticised by Yeats with others by Croker and Lover for ‘disfiguring humour’, though Yeats cites the work as an authority in his own Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry (1888).


Irish Wonders, The Ghosts, Giants, Pookas, Demons, Leprechawns, Banshees, Fairies, Witches, Widows, Old Maids and Other Marvels of the Emerald Isle (Boston & NY 1888).


W. B. Yeats ‘Irish Fairies, Ghosts, Witches, &c.’, in Lucifer [Theosophical Magazine] (15 Jan. 1889), rep. John P. Frayne, ed., Uncollected Prose of W. B. Yeats, 1970, p.130ff; p.135; also Yeats’s [on Irish Wonders] in Providence Sunday Journal (7 July 1889); also Yeats [a similar review], in Scots Observer. No. 309 (March 1889), rep. in Letters to the New Island (1934), and in Frayne, Uncollected Prose, 1970, p.138-41.

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